The Way To Happiness.....

Keep your heart from hatred,
Your mind from worry....
Live simply......
Expect little.....
Give much...........

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

how to make your own weapon..hahaha


benda ni bukan benda kalau kna tangkap ngn polis nasib ampa la..ak xmau brtanggungjawab..xpa, tulis lam english la snang, susah cket nk, ampa payah cket nk bt bnda ni..wakaka..


The main objective of a gun is to fire ammunition effectively and safely towards a target. In order to learn how to make a gun, it is necessary to first understand ammunition.
Modern day ammunition is composed of four main components:
1. A piece of lead or other type of soft metal which is referred to as a bullet.
2. A small amount of smokeless gunpowder, which creates an exorbitant quantity of gas as it burns. The gas in turn projects the bullet through the barrel of the gun and towards the target.
3. A very small amount of pressure sensitive explosive which ignites the smokeless gunpowder on fire. This is referred to as the primer.
4. A steel or brass casing which holds the bullet, the powder, and the primer.
All of these pieces together are called the cartridge.
The bullet will be positioned in one end of the casing and the primer will be positioned on the other end. .22 caliber ammunition is rim-fire ammo. This means that the primer is stored in the rim of the cartridge. Most other calibers, however are center-fire, meaning that the primer in this ammunition is stored in the center of the end of the cartridge.

The Components of an Improvised Gun

Gun Barrel

Every gun must have a barrel. A pistol or handgun may have a barrel of roughly a few inches, and a shotgun or rifle may have a barrel 16 inches or longer.
Within production quality firearms, pistol and rifle barrels have tiny grooves cut inside of them. The grooves do not run straight, however are curved slowly throughout the length of the barrel. This technique is called rifling. Rifling causes the bullet to spin as it passes through the barrel. The spinning assists in stabilizing the bullet and making the gun more accurate.
Most hand made guns lack rifled barrels, because the rifling process is difficult to create in a situation where improvisation is necessary.
Improvised guns commonly use water pipe or steel pipe for barrels. Steel pipe will make a very effective shotgun barrel, and the steel pipe will serve as a short barrel very well. For a rifle barrel, steel pipe is not very effective.
An important choice concerns what type of caliber your improvised firearm will utilize, however that should be determined by whatever ammunition you have readily accessible. .357 ammunition. 3/4" pipe will hold 12 gauge shotgun ammunition and 1/4" pipe will hold .380, 9mm, .38.

The Firing Pin

Careful with this step because the primer is extremely pressure sensitive. Therefore, when you strike the primer hard, it explodes. The word primer is derived from "primary explosive", meaning this substance is the explosive that detonates first and is solely responsible for detonating the secondary (larger) charge.
Smokeless gunpowder on the other hand, is a very safe material. This gunpowder can be safely stored, transported and burned. Smokeless gunpowder is only useful (and dangerous) when it is ignited in a confined space, ie: when it is ignited inside the ammunition cartridge.
The primer however is protected behind a thin metal wall. The primary job of the firing pin is to strike that thin metal wall fast and hard. The primer is pressure sensitive. When it is struck by the firing pin, the primer will detonate, which will create a flame, igniting the smokeless gun powder.

The Breech Block

Once the smokeless powder is ignited, the powder will create an exceptional amount of gas. This gas will push the bullet out of the front of the gun. You must ensure that the gas does not push the cartridge casing out the rear of the firearm, because this could be deadly for the person firing the weapon.
The rear of the firearm is referred to as the breech. In order to prevent the cartridge casing from exiting through the breech, the breach must be blocked somehow. The function used to to this is called the breech block.
In constructing your improvised firearm, the breech block is the most difficult part and can be highly varied. These piece can be inputted from whatever looks sturdy and is available. It is a very complicated piece because it must block the breech while allowing the firing pin access to the primer.
One common example and good form of a breech block is a basic pipe cap with a hole drilled into it for the firing pin.

The Trigger

It is necessary for the firing pin to strike the primer fast and hard. The best way to accomplish this task is to make the firing pin rest naturally against the primer and use some force to pull the trigger away from the primer.
This force usually is made up of a set of strong elastic or rubber bands or a set of metal springs. These items are attracted to the firing pin and the firing pin is pulled back. When the firing pin is released, the pin strikes the primer and causes the gun to fire.
Within production quality firearms, a block is usually placed within the front of the firing pin to prevent accidental discharge if the firing pin is struck or if the weapon is dropped. Very few improvised weapons will have such a device. Please be careful!

Warning and Disclaimer

1. The gun can anger a totalitarian regime in which you live, causing the regime to imprison or kill you.
2. If you even make the smallest mistake during your assembly, the laws of physics may maim or kill you.
To prevent the first danger, please be sure to research all applicable local, state and federal laws, wherever you reside before engaging in this type of project.
To prevent the second danger, be as certain as possible that you comprehend each and every step that you are taking. Think carefully about the forces involved and the directions which they are facing. If you have more than one round of ammunition and are able test fire your gun you should. Test fire by attaching it firmly to a tree or another large object and firing it from a distance with a rope attached to the trigger.
Firearms and guns ended the dark ages and brought us into an age of civil equality: furthering life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Be very careful that you do not lose those privileges by careless handling your improvised gun.
You can make gunpowder or "blackpowder" from:
1. Potassium Nitrate, aka KNO3, Saltpeter, fertilizers may also contain KNO3.
2. Sulfur, aka sulphur, not sure where to get this from, it's a yellow powder.
3. Charcoal, aka burnt wood, BBQ bricks
Alternatively, if you can't get hold of sulfur, mix th KNO3 with white sugar. No charcoal needs to be added to this. Patassium Nitrate and sugar is also a good smoke grenade / rocket propellant.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

-kisah benar-

ad satu petang tu ak p lajalan-jalan ngn mmbr ak kot belah PKNS tu..dh mmbr ak nk bliapa ntah..xengat dh..
cita ni lama jgk la..saja ja nk bagitaw..
bila betolak ja nk  p tu ak  pn sja la mnx ray-ben kt mmbr ak..
"bro, pnjam ray-ben sat, nk p bt hensem cket..hahaha (gelak sambil tutup mulut)
dipendekkan cta, bila sampai ja kt PKNS tu, 
kami singgah la bank islam sat..mmbr ak nk draw dwet..
ak pn lepak la kt depan tu sat..mata dok tengok kot belah McD dh..
dok nmpak aiskrim yg seringgit lima sen tu..hahaha..xdak dwet nk beli..
xpa, ak pn ubah pndangan tgk belah tabung haji plak..
dengan tidak semena-menanya, ad sorg mamat mat saleh mna xtaw la mai kt ak..
ak nk bg salam pn takot dya bukan islam plak..ak pn bt2 macho la kt c2 ngn ray-ben mmbr ak td..
bla smpai ja dkt ak, dya kata, " hye..i think i have seen u before.." 
ak pn dh plik dh..mat saleh ni pnh nmpak ak kt mana..ak tnya dya balik" are u sure? when?".
dya dok snyum ja..pastu mai duk sebelah ak..pastu dya kata " in tv"..
ak dh serabot kpala dh..xkn kes ak fly time kolah dlu masok tv kot..
pastu dya tnya lg.."when u came to here?" ak dok pnin2 dh..dhla nk ckp english xbpa nk fasih..aduh..
ak snyap ja la..pastu dya kata, " hello bradd, when u came here and what are u doing here?"
pastu ak jd makin srabut dh..adoi..nk jwb mcmana ni..ak pn kata kt dya, " i think u are wrong..i'm Aziz, not bradd.." huh..bpeluh jgk pkiaq pasal perkataan tu ja..
pastu dya dok tgk ak atas bawah ja..ak tnya lg.." why??"..
lama jgk la dya dok tegok ak..ak nek lemas dh..geram pn ad jgk..adoi..stg ak penempaq baru taw..
lama-lama, dya pn kata.." opss sorry2, i think u are bradd pitt..i'm so sorry.."
ak kira nk maki ja mat saleh tu..perli ak ka apa ka..b*** sungguh..
dok sat dya bkak nset dya, dya tnjuk kt ak gambaq bradd pit..aduh..sebijik mcm muka ak..hohoho...
kalau xcaya tgk la..

ni muka bradd pitt plak muka ak time tu..

pergh..memang saling xtumpah la..ak mula-mula xcaya jgk..lama2 ak trpaksa la mnerima 
hakikat bahawa muka bradd pitt tu mcm muka ak..adoi..

-rahsia tahi lalat-

Masyarakat pada zaman dahulu mengenal seseorang dgn melihat tanda pada badannya.Diturunkan di sini firasat tentang tahi lalat. Sejauhmana kebenarannya tidaklah diketahui dgn jelas. Namun begitu,ia biasa diajarkan di kalangan Masyarakat Melayu.Hanyalah sekadar menambah pengetahuan.

Bahagian Badan & Firasat

Bibir atas kanan
Banyak rezeki, pandai 

Bibir atas kiri
Ramai kawan, baik hati

Bibir bawah kanan
Disegani orang, ramai yg suka

Bibir bawah kiri
Pandai bicara, tak mudah kalah

Leher kanan
Cerdas, jujur, berani menderita

Leher kiri
Cerdas dlm segala hal dan banyak pengetahuan

Leher di tengah
Tercapai cita-cita

Biji mata kanan
Suka serong dan pembohong

Biji mata kiri
Pembohong tetapi baik hati

Hujung mata kanan
Baik hati, sopan santun, cerdas

Hujung mata kiri
Baik budi, murah rezeki

Punggung kanan
Agak mengalami kesulitan

Punggung kiri
Malas dan suka duduk

Betis kanan
Suka berhibur, boros

Betis kiri
Rajin,tidak suka menganggur

Lutut kanan
Bersikap tidak peduli dan tak mahu berusaha

Lutut kiri
Kurang kuat berusaha

Kepala sebelah kanan
Terkabul cita-cita

Kepala sebelah kiri
Sering menemui kesusahan

Kepala sebelah belakang
Jujur, sabar dan tekun

Kening kanan
Cerdas dan cekap

Kening kiri
Cerdas, sopan santun

Tengah kening
Keras hati, berani segala hal

Hujung mulut kanan
Kecil rezeki, tak mudah kalah

Hujung mulut kiri
Suka berpoya-poya

Ketiak kanan
Dapat menyimpan rahsia

Ketiak kiri
Jujur, banyak yang cinta

Pergelangan kaki kanan
Suka berpergian (keluar rumah)

Pergelangan kaki kiri
Kehendak kuat

Batang hidung
Banyak dicintai orang dan dapat menjadi kaya

Pada hidung
Banyak rezeki

Dagu bawah kanan
Jujur dan baik hati

Dagu bawah kiri
Bijak sana dan berbudi luhur

Kemaluan kanan atau kiri
Baik, suka senggama

Di kepala kemaluan (lelaki)
Bakal beristeri 2

Tumit kanan
Jujur dan banyak kawan

Tumit kiri
Baik budi

Alis kanan
Suka menolong, baik hati

Alis kiri
Ramai yang suka

Pangkal peha kanan
Kemahuan kuat

Pangkal peha kiri
Suka kerja apa pun

Telapak kaki kanan
Tak mudah mengeluh

Jari kaki kanan
Suka menolong

Jari kaki kiri
Berbudi, suka berbuat baik

Bahu kanan
Cermat dlm membuat keputusan, banyak tanggungan

Bahu kiri
Suka kerja keras, banyak tanggungjawab

Buah dada kanan
Baik hati, pendiam,simpan rahsia

Buah dada kiri
Ramai kawan, setia pada pasangan

Lengan kanan
Setia dan taat pada atasan

Lengan kiri
Menepati janji dan rajin

Pipi kanan
Ramai teman

Tengah-tengah pipi kanan
Ramai yg suka

Tengah-tengah pipi kiri
Ramai teman

Kurang jujur

Cerdas, tangkas, tekun

Pusat bahagian kanan
Sejahtera dalam hidup

Pusat bahagian kiri
Beroleh kemliaan

Pinggang kanan
Sayang pada pasangan hidup

Pinggang kiri
Disayang pasangan hidup

Dada kanan
Dapat mengatasi masalah

Dada kiri
Berani, jujur dan sabar

Telapak kaki kanan
Tidak mudah mengeluh

Telapak kaki kiri
Baik budi pekertinya

Siku tangan kanan
Kuat ingin memiliki kekayaan

Siku tangan kiri
Baik hati, suka menolong

Jari tangan kanan
Serba beroleh keuntungan

Jari tangan kiri
Serba baik bekerja

Jari telapak tangan kanan
Banyak rezeki tapi boros

Jari telapak tangan kiri
Banyak rezeki dan cermat

Perut bawah kanan
Banyak rezeki, suka memberi maaf

Perut bawah kiri
Baik hati, tenang hidupnya

Sudut mata kanan dalam
Disayang suami atau isteri

Sudut mata kiri dalam
Tidak mudah dilupakan pasangan

Sudut mata kanan luar
Baik budi, ramai yg cinta

Pelipis kiri
Murah rezeki, dpt jadi kaya

Pelipis kanan
Serba berhasil dalam usaha

Kelopak mata kanan atas
Baik hati, ramah, berjaya

Kelopak mata kiri atas
Baik budi, ramai yg suka

Kelopak mata kanan bawah
Agak malas

Kelopak mata kiri bawah
Agak bodoh, kurang bijaksana

NGERI-sambungan yg ptg smalam

ok..lani ak nk sambung cta pasl ptg smalam yg xsempat nk abis ats sbb2 trtentu..

yg ni plak gambar manusia kna gilis ngn keta smpai tersepit kt celah tayar tu..xpasti r keta apa..nmpak mcm AE80 tmpat kompem r kt jalan..

yg atas ni plk nmpak mcm kna tetak ngn parang xtaw la yg tu sbb kalu kna ngn cangkul pn blh jd pergh...huhu

yg kt atas ni plak sbb xciden kt brazil..jauh gila ak p kutip gambaq2 ni..hahaha..yg blh taw kt brazil pn sbb ad tulis kt atas mmg sadis jgk la bla jd cmni..kaki pn nmpak tulang dhtu..sparuh badan lg xtaw hilang kt mana..ak tgk2 pn xdak dh..mgkin pengambil gambar ni saja xmau nk tnjuk kot..

fuhhh...!!! yg ni lg la...tau x bnda apa tu..? kalau trkena zip seluar time kecik2 dlu pn sakit smpai kuar air mata kn pulak kna potong..aduhhhh..! mmg xblh nk tahan cmana bapok-bapok @ ponen blh p buang bnda tu..mmg la xsakit sbb taruk ubat, xbrsyukur lgsg..dh bg elok2 xmau plak..bodoh!..
esok plak la ak sambung lg gambaq2 cta fairy tales tgah mnanti kt bawah tu..

Friday, October 22, 2010


ak ada jumpa banyak gk la gamba2 yg blh dkatakan xlalu nk makan kalau tgk..pergh..

   yg ni maybe sbb baju trsangkut kt mesin tu kot..mesin tu nama dya mesin turning..nk guna dya mudah tp kalau xkena cara, blh bawak maut jgk la..
pakcik ni jd mcm ni sbb knagigit ngn ak xtaw la dya kna tang mana..ak men amek ja kt laman web tu..
opps..lupa plak..maghrib tua dhni..nnt2 la ak boh len..nk p mayang dlu..

klik sedaih..!